The most important HK Law Society AGM ever?
The Law Society AGM and annual election is next Tuesday 24th August. (Five candidates are elected every year on the Council of 20).
People can vote by postal ballot – but it must be posted by no later than tomorrow (Thursday 19 Aug) – as they must reach Tricor by Saturday morning (21 Aug) at the latest.
The Law Society is a professional body, and will always stay out of politics. But for obvious reasons, there is increasing public interest in matters of Hong Kong’s legal system.
This year, therefore, I urge everyone to vote for the strong and independent minded candidates.
To avoid those candidates who have been making personal threats against Selma, Henry, Jonathan and Denis, or who have been spreading fear and terror among voters, and to ignore the scare campaign espoused by certain politically linked people (,-Law-Society-warned). Ironically, those threats merely underline the need for a strong and professional Law Society – at arms’ length to the Government.
Please vote if you have not already, and please contact me if you need assistance with voting. We must vote while we still can. Please pass on to any Hong Kong solicitors you know.