This Little CNBC Story & Video Illustrates Why Kluwer Are Taking Strides Ahead These Days

13 April 2017


In years past you may have seen a TR or Lexis management bod talking about this sort of thing on the telly and probably not making much sense. Nobody would have had the faintest idea who or what Kluwer is.

But, as they say, the worm has turned

Now we have the Kluwer CFO talking to the financial press and even making sense.

It is a fact that information companies should be celebrating Trump for the confusion he’s creating at the legislative level. Our sister publication Cannabis Law Report is a great example of traffic increase because of the Spicer, Trump & Sessions circus

Here’s the introduction….

see more and the video of the interview at

The uncertainty brought about by the political situation in the U.S. has benefited the information services company Wolters Kluwer, its chief financial officer claimed Wednesday.

Since taking office, President Donald Trump and the Republican-led Congress have set their sights on repealing and replacing Obamacare, reforming tax and cutting regulation. But in recent weeks uncertainty has been raised as to how soon the changes will come into effect, and what businesses and consumers can expect from them.

“Any time there is change or complexity, that is good for a company like Wolters Kluwer because it allows us to reach out to our customers and inform them and help them navigate through that change or complexity,” Kevin Entricken told CNBC’s Global CFO Council on Wednesday. “So when we talk about regulation or deregulation, there are a lot of things that a financial institution will have to grapple with and that’s where we can help our customers.”

Discussing healthcare reforms, financial regulation and tax code changes, Entricken said that, despite the uncertainty in the president’s plans being “a bit of a challenge for everybody,” the complicated landscape would, in turn, benefit his company.