There’s A New Law Librarian and Associate Dean for Library Services at Cornell Law School

US based Law Librarian Blog reports that Femi Cadmus has been appointed Cornell Law Librarian

Here’s what they say

Congratulations to Femi Cadmus who has accepted the position of Law Librarian and Associate Dean for Library Services at Cornell Law School and will succeed Claire Germain later this summer. For the past three years, Femi has served as the Associate Librarian for Administration at Yale Law School. Yale’s loss is Cornell’s gain.

No doubt Yale will do just fine. Teresa Miguel, Yale?s Associate Librarian for Foreign and International Law, is taking over Femi?s role as Associate Librarian for Administration. And, no doubt, Femi will build upon Claire Germain’s contributions at Cornell.

While the stand up and take a bow tradition at AALL’s annual meeting for academic law library directors includes the usual perfunctory acknowledgment for “welcome the new directors” (as in ever notice who do and who do not clap their hands?), Femi’s appointment is IMHO well-deserved.

Watch for an announcement from Yale for an opportunity to apply for the position of Associate Librarian for Foreign and International Law.