The US Legal Industry Has Shed 10,000 Jobs

This according to a report in the ABA Journal yesterday..

Where they wrote.

Law Firm Layoffs Hit 10K Mark; Thursdays Most Often Bring Bad News
By Debra Cassens Weiss

The layoff numbers have hit a depressing mark: In the last 15 months, more than 10,000 lawyers and legal staffers have lost their jobs at major law firms.

LawShucks has the tally. March was the worst month so far, with 3,677 losing their legal jobs, according to the blog. There were 2,708 job losses in February and 1,540 in January.

Counting April job losses, 4,218 lawyers and 6,259 staffers have been laid off since January 2008, LawShucks says.

Thursday is the worst day for layoff announcements, according to the blog. About 36 percent of all layoffs are made on that day.