The Rise of The Millennial Law Firm

The Times They Are A Changin’ as the previous generation would have said…..

The Australasian Lawyer reports

The millennial generation has become such a significant part of the legal landscape that it is changing the law firm as we know it, according to a new report from Lawyers On Demand.

Millennial lawyers are rewriting the DNA of law firms, said legal market analyst Jordan Furlong, who authored the report for the NewLaw giant.

“We are now in a place where we can see that millennials are the emerging law firm partner and GC. This is a generation that’s already showing itself as the real accelerator of change. Not just as lawyers wanting to work differently, but critically as clients too, buying differently,” said Simon Harper, LOD cofounder.

Furlong said that we are at the crux of two different eras of law. “Right now, in the late 2010s, we are standing directly on the fulcrum between two eras of law, at a key transition point in the evolution of the legal services market. That market is changing from a dormant, low-tech, individualistic system to a dynamic, high-tech, collaborative one,” he said.

There are six key changes in law firms clients should expect as millennial lawyers take the reins…

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