Not being mindful of your surroundings while walking can lead to pedestrian accidents. Anyone who has ever stepped off a curb without looking can tell you how quickly an accident can happen.
Many people underestimate the fact it can very easily happen to them, as most people generally do practice “looking both ways” before crossing the street. However, we can have lapses in judgement, or just be the victim of an unforeseen circumstance, like a drunk driver speeding around a corner.
In this article, we’re going to cover the most common types of accident injuries suffered by pedestrians, and how to obtain the compensation you deserve.
The Reality of Pedestrian Accidents
Between 2017 – 2021, over 34,000 pedestrians have been killed in the United States. In fact, while the years 2017 – 2020 averaged around 6,000 pedestrian deaths annually, it spiked up to over 8,000 deaths in just the first few months of 2021 – despite the pandemic and more people staying indoors.
While many of us are in the good habit of looking both ways before crossing the street, we do have lapses in judgement. Many of these accidents are caused by distracted pedestrians, such as texting while walking.
As mentioned on this website, sometimes truck accidents can also cause serious injury to pedestrians. Such scenarios require you to contact the truck accident lawyer immediately.
Other potential causes include alcohol or fatigue. A person might be so tired while crossing the street, they inaccurately judge the distance of an oncoming vehicle, and walk into its path.
While you might think pedestrian accidents are more common in rain or snow, they’re actually most common on clear, sunny days. This is because drivers take precautions to drive slower and more cautiously in bad weather, but feel confident in clear weather, and simply drive faster.
State laws may also influence a driver’s attitude and whether they believe pedestrians should always yield to traffic, or give pedestrians the right of way. State laws vary, but in many states, pedestrians are at fault if they’re jaywalking or stepping off a curb onto a busy road. It’s best to speak with an experienced attorney, such as on, to figure out how state laws will impact your case.
The Most Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries
For the same reason that falling is one of the most common causes of fatal accidents, the most common pedestrian accident injuries are fractured bones, spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain damage.
Broken bones can heal, but spinal cord damage can cause a variety of life-long disabilities such as limb paralysis and loss of sensation in the legs. However, spinal injury can also cause other complications many people aren’t aware of, such as cardiovascular dysfunction, gastrointestinal issues, and even blindness.
Brain damage is also particularly dangerous, and can often lead to chronic pain, difficulty speaking, and emotional issues. Neurological problems, such as amnesia, and dementia, can also develop.
How to Win a Pedestrian Accident Claim
The first step is to speak with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. You’ll need witness accounts, accident reconstruction, and anything else that can be used as evidence in the court case.
If the accident happened at a traffic light or intersection, you may be able to obtain camera footage – but your attorney will need to act very quickly, as most traffic lights retain footage for only 30 days, and a private company will need to be compelled to release any footage typically through court subpoena.
You need to be proactive, and have as much documentation as possible. Whether it’s video footage, witness statements, or hospital records, it’s very important to get it all. Ultimately, you need to prove that the accident was not your fault in any way – because if the pedestrian is to blame, the driver may in fact be able to sue for vehicular damage compensation.
So if you were jaywalking while texting on your phone, you likely won’t have much of a case, and could even be sued yourself.
Speaking with an attorney is your best first step, because they’ll guide you through everything you’ll need to prepare, and they can also do a lot of the groundwork on your behalf. For example, if you’re recovering in the hospital and need to file a personal injury insurance claim, your attorney can help coordinate everything.
No matter where you live in the United States, you should always be cautious, and take a look at the hazards of pedestrian accidents. While major cities such as New York and Los Angeles experience the most pedestrian accidents, they can still happen in rural areas, such as walking along the shoulder of a busy highway. Anytime you’re walking near moving vehicles, you should always assume the risk of being hit, and take proper cautions.