The Bound Congressional Record – Congressional Reactions to the 1918 Flu Pandemic

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The Bound Congressional Record – Congressional Reactions to the 1918 Flu Pandemic

The Bound Congressional Record on now offers almost 100 years of content, covering 1899 to 1994. As part of a new series, we are going to show you howyou can explore congressional remarks on significant moments in American history
using this resource. We did this once before by highlighting congressional reactions to the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik.

Today, I explore congressional remarks on the 1918 flu pandemic in the 65th and 66th Congresses. To accomplish this, I selected the Bound Congressional Record in the drop-down menu on the homepage and searched for “flu.” I knew I would find congressional reactions to the pandemic in the 65th and 66th Congresses, so I selected those Congresses using the filters menu on the results screen. In order to figure out which results were most relevant before clicking on them, I scrolled up to the top of the results screen and chose “Show Keywords in Context.” This option displays snippets of the text under each search result. In the discussion copied below, Rep. Fess discusses an exchange with the Surgeon General over how the flu could be treated and projections on cost.

Keyword in context search results in the Bound Congressional Record on

Keyword in context search results in the Bound Congressional Record on

We hope you enjoy exploring congressional reactions to historic events in the Congressional Record. Let us know in the comments if you find something you would like to share, or if there are historical events you think should be highlighted in future posts.

The top half of page 4372 from the February 26, 1919 Bound Congressional Record from the 65th Congress, 3rd Session, Volume 57, Part 5.

The top half of page 4372 from the February 26, 1919 Bound Congressional Record from the 65th Congress, 3rd Session, Volume 57, Part 5.

The bottom half of page 4372 from the February 26, 1919 Bound Congressional Record from the 65th Congress, 3rd Session, Volume 57, Part 5.

The bottom half of page 4372 from the February 26, 1919 Bound Congressional Record from the 65th Congress, 3rd Session, Volume 57, Part 5.

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