The Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA) Awards Lawline

Here’s the press release……The Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA) has awarded Lawline one of only 18 annual awards granted to competitors representing more than 300 organizations. An Award for Outstanding Achievement was given to Lawline for The Lawline App, in the Best Use of Technology category.

ACLEA members are professionals in the fields of continuing legal education and legal publishing. Its annual ACLEA’s Best Awards are highly competitive and winning projects represent the highest level of achievement for the staff and volunteers involved.

The winning app allows both online and offline access to Lawline’s extensive library of content. It allows attorneys to access and absorb CLE on the go, and provides an array of tools to enhance the learning experience, aid with information retention, and, ultimately, allow users to develop professionally and excel in their practice. Now available on the App Store.

ACLEA formally presented the award to Lawline at the Annual Meeting of ACLEA in Montreal, QC on August 1, 2017. “We are excited to receive this honor,” said Richard Hernandez, Vice President of Customer Experience. “Strong technology is something we pride ourselves in, and we are honored that ACLEA has recognized Lawline for providing a superior experience to our customers.”