Thai Law In English Translation

Just to let you know we are now working with Issan Lawyers in Thailand to spread the word about their wonderful website….

Thai Law Online which is starting the process of translating Thai legislation into comprehensive English .. something that nobody else has really managed to do as yet in any sort of meaningful way.

Have a look at the text boxes to your right on the entry page of and you’ll be alble to link through to them there or via the links in this story.

This is what they say in their about us section of the site:

ThaiLawOnline.COM wishes to provide the best and most informative website in English about Thai Law. It’s designed to navigate easily between all fields of Law, in order to find accurate information and maybe, the help you need.


Most of the content of ThaiLawOnline is written by Isaan Lawyers. If not, sources should be indicated. Isaan Lawyers is a Law Firm located in Thailand helping foreigners and Thais, in several languages, in all different fields of Law. They support Dragonfly foundation, Glenn Croston Foundation, Thailand Children’s Home, Lawyers without frontiers and other NGOs and charity organizations. They believe in community work and hope this website can make you save money in legal fees. The director of Isaan Lawyers is a member in good standing of the Bar of Quebec (Canada) and also the International Bar Federation.

The content of this web site aims to circulate general information that cannot be considered as legal advice. Laws can change quickly and therefore it is impossible to cover all exceptions in detail. The information provided here is therefore without any guarantee concerning its exact meaning or its continuing validity.

This web site contains links to other sites. These links are provided for practical reasons only. We decline any responsibility concerning these web sites owned by others and we do not necessarily agree with their content.

Anyone wanting to create a link to the present site may do so freely. We encourage distribution of legal information, as we encourage making it available to the general public, freely or at a low cost. But we also want to protect the product of our work and even our writings. Therefore, the content of the present web site may not be reproduced for commercial purposes under any format without the express written consent of Isaan Lawyers.