Tata one of the world’s leading business groups with their finger in about every pie imaginable? ..
We only mention trucks because on visiting India for the first time visitors soon learn the name Tata as its legend is emblazened on about 99.99% of the country’s commercial trucking fleets.
We digress..One of Tata’s many consultancy arms has now spread its wings to become the “Strategic Transformation Partner” to the Law Society of England & Wales
The Indian Economic Times reports
NEW DELHI: The Law Society of England and Wales has chosen Indian IT company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) as its strategic transformation partner.
TCS will work with The Law Society initially on a system development project, which aims to create a more effective online service for The Law Society and its members, said TCS in a statement.
In UK, the legal services industry is forecast to undergo material change as the Legal Services Act (LSA) 2007 comes into implementation in 2011.
This act is aimed at liberalising the legal services market and bringing the entire market under one regulatory framework by creating ‘Alternative Business Structures’–which will allow non-lawyers in management and ownership roles.
There appearsto be a double irony going on here.
Firstly, one of the organisations that helped foster the common law system in India is now being advised by an Indian company on how to move forward.
The bigger irony though is that Tata is advising the? England & Wales Law Society? when in actual fact it is the various bar associations and law societies in India that need to be pushed forward by the advice that Tata could give them.
Then again, being India the issues are more labrynthine. As the legislation to move the Indian legal sector forward is we suggest at least a decade away.