Tales From Lawyers In Lockdown Around The World

Great on the ground reporting from the UK Law Gazette which become our go to source for really understanding how lawyers outside  the big commercial firms are faring in the UK and around the world

If you have time, do link through, to get an understanding of the issues lawyers and clients are facing in the real world.

The Law Gazette writes….

How the legal profession is coping with Covid-19

Naomi Angell, the Law Society children’s law sub-committee, Osbornes Law, London

‘My practice doing intercountry adoption cases has not stopped during the lockdown as my clients come from all over the world.

On top of my day-to-day work, urgent cases are still coming through too. One involves a young person from the Philippines who will soon be 18. We have to issue and obtain an adoption order before her September birthday otherwise she will not acquire automatic British nationality.

Through my practice, I hear about the impact of coronavirus all over the world – in the last few days the Philippines, Dubai, Tanzania and Vietnam. Some countries are in denial, but others have restrictions which are far tougher than ours.’

Reda on at…  https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/profiles/lawyers-in-lockdown-stories-from-the-frontline/5103811.article?utm_source=gazette_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Group+action+costs+slashed+%7c+Governments+warned+on+rule+of+law+%7c+Lawyers+in+lockdown_04%2f08%2f2020