Taiwan tightens tech exports to Russia and Belarus

Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (‘MOEA’) says it has amended the ‘List of High-Tech Goods Exported to Russia and Belarus’ on 4 January, by ‘expanding the number of items covered under export controls to Russia and Belarus. This, it says, is ‘in line with implementing international cooperation and preventing high-tech goods from being exported for military use.’

MOEA said it had added ‘52 items to the new export controls list that are primarily related to nuclear energy substances, miscellaneous goods and materials, chemicals, and machine tools,’ and that ‘The US, EU, Japan, UK and other like-minded allies have successively announced export control measures against Russia and Belarus since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Previously, the MOEA had expanded export controls against Russia and Belarus on 57 items in Categories 3 to 9 of the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN), including computer information, sensors, lasers, and aerospace items in April and May 2021, respectively. Taiwan added Categories 0, 1, and 2 of the ECCN, making the controls substantially equal to those of the EU and US, as well as in line with those of democratic allies.’

MOEA also explained that it had ‘held a discussion with industrial associations and manufacturers to exchange views on expanding export controls in late 2022, prior to the amendment.

‘As for Taiwanese SMEs that focus on the Russian and Belarusian markets, the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) had contacted and supported them in diversifying sales to other markets. In light of this latest amendment, the MOEA urges exporters to comply with export control regulations and conduct due diligence before carrying out transactions to Russia and Belarus.’

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Taiwan tightens tech exports to Russia and Belarus