Straits Times Report: Singapore & Myanamar “Boost Legal Cooperation”

Singapore and Myanmar boost legal cooperation through new agreements says the Straits Times

SINGAPORE – Singapore and Myanmar have boosted their legal cooperation, after Senior Minister of State for Law and Education, Ms Indranee Rajah, ended a four-day working visit to Myanmar on Saturday.

There, Ms Indranee met with Chief Justice of the Union U Htun Htun Oo, Union Attorney General, Dr Tun Shin, and other senior members of the Myanmar legal fraternity, the Ministry of Law said in a statement.

Ms Indranee signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Singapore-Myanmar Integrated Legal Exchange between Singapore’s Law Ministry and the Union’s Supreme Court on Oct 9. The next day, she also witnessed the signing of a similar memorandum between the Ministry of Law and the Union Attorney General’s Office.

The MOUs aim to better understanding of the laws, and legal systems and institutions of both countries. This will be achieved through the exchange of legal materials, study visits, collaborative seminars and symposiums, as well as attachments and scholarships for Myanmar officials.

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