Stanford Law School Creates Free Database of COVID-19 Legal Memos

“Here is a wealth of knowledgeable information coming from the most sophisticated law firms in the world to inform your thinking without your picking up the phone and paying a dime,” said creator and Stanford law and business professor Joseph Grundfest.

Stanford Law School has placed all those COVID-19 memos that have been flooding in-house lawyers’ inboxes into a free, searchable database that launched Thursday.

That’s all you’ll find out via who obviously aren’t expanding the free aspect of sharing this info !

More info behind paywall at


Luckily we are just smart enough to take you there ourselves.





Welcome to Stanford Law School’s COVID-19 Memo Database, developed and maintained by the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University and Cornerstone Research.

The COVID-19 crisis has generated a complex web of legal, business, and operational challenges that affect the entire economy. Law firms, auditors, and business advisors have responded with thousands of memoranda addressing a broad range of topics spanning areas as diverse as tax, antitrust, employment, and contract law.

The COVID-19 Memo Database aggregates 4,376 memoranda in a searchable format designed to help users quickly identify relevant information. These memoranda were generated by leading U.S. law firms, the four major audit firms, and a leading insurance broker. For a more detailed description of the criteria used for inclusion in the database, please see the explanatory note below.


The site provides two resources:

COVID-19 Firm Resources Database

The COVID-19 Firm Resources webpage lists each firm in the database and identifies its dedicated COVID-19 coverage.

COVID-19 Memo Database

The COVID-19 Memo Database is a searchable index of the COVID-19-related memorandum generated by each firm listed in the Resources Database. The memoranda titles are searchable, and the site directs the user to the originating firm’s website for full text of each memorandum.

We’ve built this site quickly and efficiently so that it might be of most practical use to the legal and audit communities, as well as to judges, legislators, regulators, scholars, and journalists. We know that we can improve this site in many ways, and we invite any and all suggestions for how we might be of greater service in this difficult time. Please forward suggestions and comments to [email protected].

Explanatory Note

The database includes any law firm listed among Amlaw’s 2020 top 20 in total firm revenue or in profits per partner, each of the “Big Four” audit firms, and any affiliate of the Rock Center, that maintains a separate webpage dedicated to the coverage of legal matters generated by the current COVID-19 crisis. The database tracks only memoranda indexed within those COVID-19 designated webpages.