Stanford Cyber Policy Center Becomes Joint Initiative of Stanford Law School and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies

The Stanford Cyber Policy Center, the nation’s leading academic center for research on policy governing digital technology, has become a joint initiative of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and Stanford Law School. Led by Nathaniel Persily, the James B. McClatchy Professor of Law at Stanford, and Dan Boneh, the Rajeev Motwani Professor in the Stanford School of Engineering, the Cyber Policy Center works to bring cutting-edge solutions to national governments, international institutions, and industry, via research, policy engagement and teaching.

“For several decades SLS has been the go-to law school for law and technology and is also now the go-to law school for law and policy more broadly,” said Jenny Martinez, the Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean of Stanford Law School.

“This partnership with the Cyber Policy Center will further enhance our faculty research and its impact in the real world, as well as our ability to dive deep with our students into the cutting-edge issues that are so central to the future of our society and legal system. And, the fact that Nate Persily, our renowned law professor, has been leading the center since its launch underscores how foundational law is to cyber policy.” – Jenny Martinez, Dean of Stanford Law School

Working across disciplines including law, the Cyber Policy Center is staffed with world-renowned researchers and academics who aim to understand how digital technologies are impacting democracy, security, and geopolitics globally. The COVID-19 pandemic delayed some of the need to build greater infrastructure for the Cyber Policy Center, which was founded in 2019. The additional support from Stanford Law will help the center to move forward to achieve its teaching and research goals, reflecting the critical role that law and policy play in the cyberscape.

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Professor Nate Persily

“This new formal relationship will fully integrate the fantastic law school faculty who deal with tech and law with the talented team we already have working in the Cyber Policy Center and further attract law students, and students across the university, who are interested in this burgeoning area,” said Persily.

The Cyber Policy Center is home to six programs:

Image of Michael McFaul
Michael McFaul, Director of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies

“Joining forces with Stanford Law School to support the Cyber Policy Center creates broad opportunities for faculty collaboration and student engagement, and for creating meaningful connections between academia, the legal and tech industry, and civil society,” said Michael McFaul, director of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. “I’m thrilled for this joint venture to provide an effective framework for addressing the most pressing cyber policy concerns.”

“Connecting the center more closely to Stanford Law School aligns well with the law school’s focus and expertise in law and technology and truly highlights the importance of addressing developments in the digital world, like online disinformation and polarization, that challenge democracy both in the United States and around the world,” said Martinez. “As a law school dedicated to the rule of law, these issues are central to our mission.”

About the Stanford Cyber Policy Center

The Cyber Policy Center is Stanford University’s research center for the interdisciplinary study of issues at the nexus of technology, governance and public policy focused on digital technologies that are impacting democracy, security, and geopolitics globally. The center connects academia, the legal and tech industry and civil society with policymakers around the country to address the most pressing cyber policy concerns. Through research, policy engagement, and teaching, the Cyber Policy Center works to bring cutting-edge solutions to national governments, international institutions, and industry.

Stanford Cyber Policy Center Becomes Joint Initiative of Stanford Law School and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies