South Australian parents with children under care of Department for Child Protection lose bids to prevent them getting COVID-19 vaccine

ABC Australia..

A series of South Australian court judgements has refused bids by parents of children in state care to prevent their offspring getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

A father whose five-year-old daughter is under the guardianship of the state’s Department for Child Protection has lost his bids through two different avenues to prevent his child being inoculated against the coronavirus.

In the latest judgement published last week, Supreme Court justices Mark Livesey and Chris Bleby dismissed the man’s appeal against a South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) decision to allow his daughter to get vaccinated.

The justices also denied his bid for an injunction against the vaccination going ahead.

Among other things, the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons and who represented himself, claimed the department had “failed to investigate the harmful and damaging” effects of the Pfizer vaccine on the body.

SACAT president Judy Hughes had decided earlier this month that the man “did not create a persuasive case” as to why the department should not vaccinate the child.

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