Court cases are tense no matter the issue they are about. The presiding judges maintain strict silence and protocol as lawyers from both sides bring in their knowledge and expertise in order to win the case using smallest of the legal provisions, manoeuvres or loopholes as the case may be. And when it comes to International Court of Justice (ICJ) deliberating on cases of great global importance, the stakes can’t be any higher.
It is precisely because of this, when an international lawyer makes a gaffe or a ‘silly error’ it becomes the talk of the town. And in the social media age, this means global trolling.
Not that his competence or legal expertise was called into question, but British lawyer Malcolm Shaw, one of those representing the Israeli side in the ongoing ‘genocide’ case in the ICJ, has a ‘whoops’ moment just when he was in the middle of presenting his argument in the case that involves some serious charges against Israel.
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