It was to be expected..
MSNBC reports..
Republicans who control the Missouri House have passed a budget that doesn’t give its public libraries a single cent of state money. The lawmakers were angered that the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association had the temerity to challenge a law Missouri lawmakers passed last year removing certain material deemed too sexually explicit from school libraries.
By definition, a law requiring certain books to be removed from shelves is a book ban.
According to a March 24 report from The Kansas City Star, Missouri state Rep. Cody Smith said of those groups, “They are seeking to overturn that law that was unanimously supported by the House. I don’t think we should subsidize that.” Nevermind the fact that the two library associations say the ACLU of Missouri has been representing them pro bono.
In defending a budget that denies public libraries state funding and last year’s law, Republican state Rep. Dirk Deaton tried to put a fig leaf on what is a naked embrace of censorship: “It’s been said this is a book ban. This is not that. It is protecting innocent children.”
By definition, a law requiring certain books to be removed from shelves is a book ban.
Read the full report