Singapore’s Chief Justice Says City State Should Build Up A Legal System Independent Of English Law

Here at AALE we thought that the common law system is actually of benefit to the jursiductions of Singapore & Hong Kong but Singapore’s Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong obviously thinks things need to change..


News Asia One reports

More should be done in Singapore to build up a legal system independent of English law, said Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong at the opening ceremony of the Singapore Academy of Law conference on Thursday (February 24).

Speaking to some 500 legal professionals at the event, he said Singapore’s system of law is mostly inherited from English common law. Although it is much easier for courts to apply English decisions, Singapore should try to build up jurisprudence so that local decisions can be cited first in courts.

Held once every five years, the conference allows legal professionals in selected areas of expertise to share their perspectives on trends that have taken place over this period.

The topics discussed range from family law to criminal law and procedure.

More on the conference in this video