Singapore Law Firm Launches Compliance App

Keystone Law has announced to the press? the launch of a new online application that “could” make it easier for firms around the world to meet compliance issues in their country.

We learn that the Singapore-based law firm has created an easy-to-use checklist that outlines the local regulatory requirements for businesses, helping them take the first steps towards full compliance in their home nation and any other countries in which they operate.

It offers advice in a range of sectors, including for charities, educational establishment, societies, estate agents and of course businesses.

The tool is free to use and can be accessed from anywhere around the globe by both clients of Keystone and members of the public alike.

A partner of law firm Taylor Vinters, Keystone specialises in the delivery of legal services for intellectual property rights, information technology, telecommunications, entertainment, venture capital and private equity, as well as offering dispute resolution services and corporate/commercial law.

Please contact Matt Meyer, head of services for businesses, for further information