Second Edition of China Tax and Financial Planning Briefing Published

Dublin based Research & Markets has published….

Their newly Revised China Tax and Financial Planning Briefing which also Includes New Case Studies and Analysis from Leading Practitioners

They write that this 2nd edition  from puts at the readers’ fingertips important information on recent changes to the PRC’s tax and financial regulation, as well as new case studies and analyses from leading practitioners.

The title covers subjects such as  managing transfer pricing… to finding tax efficient ways to operate a supply chain… to complying with the PRC’s new M&A rules, to staying on top of the new Anti-Monopoly, Contract, and Employment Tax Regulations… to issues relating to China’s Company Law, your decisions about China’s business operations require an understanding of the country’s tax and finance rules and regulations.

Topics include:
The Change of Chinese Industrial Policy and Its Impact on Foreign Investment in China Chinese Private Equity: A Paradigm Shift Sue in Hong Kong and Collect in China Selling Chinese Goods to the U.S. Via Canada -Not for Amateurs The Five Biggest Mistakes People Make for Non Disclosure Agreements China’s Foreign Invested Companies Changing & Converging with Domestically Owned Companies Competition Law in Mainland China and Hong Kong: Twin Tracks – Same Direction Managing Your Channel under the PRC Antimonopoly Law China’s New Thin Capitalization Rules: Specific Debt/Equity Ratios Established China: Meeting the Challenges Ahead-An Update on Current Tax Issues Facing the Foreign Banking Sector China Issues Guidance on 15% Tax Rate for High/New Tech Enterprises Local Governments in China Fight for Tax Revenue: Adherence to New Allocation Rules Required to Avoid Potential Double Taxation Understanding Double Taxation Between Hong Kong and China: The Second Protocol More on Implementating Regulations For China’s New Tax Law PRC Taxes Hong Kong & Foreign Companies: Clarifications, Changes & Opportunities New Enterprise Income Tax Law Diminishes Competitive Tax Advantages for Foreign Invested Enterprises Interpretation Issued for Hong Kong-China Double Tax Arrangement China Strengthens Its Transfer Pricing Policies: Who Will Be Subject to China’s More Robust Approach? Is Hong Kong’s Transfer Pricing Regime More Stringent? Structuring Implications of the New Double Tax Arrangement Between Mainland China and Hong Kong Taxpayers Should Retain Records for as Long as Possible in Light of Recent Ruling State Council Adjusts Export VAT Tax Rebate Sharing System Audits in China–How do They Differ? China Round-Up: Uncertainly Surrounds Voluntary Liquidation of Foreign Investment Enterprise-Technology Import Provisions Modified M&A Transactions in China: Managing Legal Risks and Pitfalls New Chinese Regulations Affect M&A, Competition and Venture Capital New U.S. Tax Rules Improve Structuring Flexibility of Offshore China M&A Transactions

For more information  check out the R&M website