Roll on Friday Article: Law firms’ cultures ranked from best to worst

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Over recent weeks, the degree to which law firms have provided their people with satisfactory pay, career development, work/life balance and the office/amenities has become clear thanks to the thousands of submissions in the RollOnFriday’s Best Law Firms to Work At 2024 survey.

Next up is culture. One man’s meat is another woman’s poison, and a firm which delights one camp with its character may alienate another. Some respondents highlighted that the workplace had changed post-Covid and staff should have choice over flexible working, whereas others wanted people in the office for longer periods to bond. Some staff wanted to see their firms embrace DEI, whereas others complained of management spouting waffle or just paying lip service to such initiatives.

To paraphrase John Lydgate, firms can’t can’t please all of their people all of the time, but those placing toward the top of the rankings managed to thread the needle, and gained a positive reception from a significant proportion of respondents.

Here is the table for culture, from best to worst, followed by the comments below:

See the table at