Legal It Professionals reports …
The Society for Computers and Law has announced that Professor Richard Susskind OBE is to become its new President. The Rt Hon the Lord Saville of Newdigate has decided to step down.
Richard Susskind commented: ‘I am delighted to be the new President of SCL. Following in the footsteps of several judicial pioneers in the field of computers and law, it is an honour indeed.
Almost to the day, I have been a member of the Society for 30 years and have always enjoyed my association with the community. I look forward to flying the flag for SCL on my international travels, to representing the Society in my dealings with governments, and to encouraging members to continue embracing existing and emerging information technologies.’
SCL’s Chair, Clive Davies said:
‘We are very grateful to Lord Saville for his long tenure as President. We were always able to call upon his wisdom when needed. We look forward to an equally successful presidency with his successor Richard Susskind.’
Richard Susskind is recognised internationally as the leading thinker on the influence of IT on the practice of law. His books, The Future of Law and The End of Lawyers?, were not only best-sellers but largely define the debate on the wide range of issues covered. Richard’s long association with SCL includes a period as Chair of the Society from 1990 to 1992. He has twice given the SCL Annual Lecture. He is an independent adviser to major professional firms and to national governments. He has advised on numerous government inquiries and, since 1998, has been IT Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice. He holds law professorships at Gresham College in London and the University of Strathclyde and is Visiting Professor at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University.