Retired Australian top judge and lawyers rebut opponents of Indigenous Voice

Good to see..

A former High Court chief justice and dozens of legal academics on Friday rebutted key arguments used in the public campaign against Australians creating an advocacy body for the Indigenous population.

Robert French, who retired as Australia’s most senior judge in 2017, used a speech to the National Press Club to urge Australians to vote to enshrine in the constitution a so-called Indigenous Voice to Parliament at an Oct. 14 vote, the nation’s first referendum in a generation.

The Voice is aimed at giving Australia’s most disadvantaged ethnic minority more say on government policies that effect their lives.

“A vote in favor of the Voice is a new beginning and something in which this generation and generations to come should be able to take justifiable pride,” French said.

Separately, 71 Australian university teachers of constitution law and other fields of public law signed an open letter published Friday that rebutted the argument that the Voice would be “risky.”