Research & Reference Librarian NSU Florida Shepard Broad College of Law – Fort Lauderdale, FL

The Research & Reference Librarian provides outreach and reference services and creates, enhances, and furthers services offered to faculty, students, alumni, the local bar, and the public.

The first priority of all members of the Law Library team is to serve the Law Library and College of Law’s faculty, students, and patrons. Each team member will not be limited by this job description in an effort to assist our constituency, but will perform tasks assigned by supervisor(s). Team members will be readily available, visible, and accessible to faculty, students and patrons, and if unable to answer an inquiry, they will ensure assistance is provided by another member of the Law Library team.

Job duties may include:
Provides legal research, reference assistance and instruction.

Provides collection services for all legal materials.

Creates and promotes innovative services.

Serves as a reference librarian at the Panza Maurer Law Library Reference Desk for approximately 16 hours per week. Occasional weekend and some evening reference hours are also required.

Conducts workshops and research instruction on legal research topics.

Teaches first year law students to cost effectively use Westlaw and Lexis as well as other electronic and print resources.

Prepares user guides, bibliographies, and instructional materials for legal topics, and presentations and articles for legal education.

Serves as a member of the Panza Maurer Law Library Faculty Liaison program.

Creates library displays.

Prepares and promotes innovative technology services for library and law school use, assisting law faculty with using these tools to enhance the classroom learning or scholarly communications experience.

Serves on local, regional, and national law library related organizations and committees.

Performs other duties as assigned or required.

To view a full position description and qualifications, and to apply on line, please access and reference position number 998881.


Required Education:
Juris Doctorate

Required Experience:
Juris Doctorate (J.D.) Degree from an ABA Accredited Institution and Masters of Library Science (M.L.S) Degree from an ALA Accredited Library School (if M.L.S. not yet confirmed, degree must be conferred within one year of hire date) and one (1) to two (2) years of experience providing reference in a law library.

Preferred Qualifications:
Recent experience with integrated library systems.

Internal Number: 998881