Research Methodology for lawyers | How to do legal research in 2020? | | Tools and Techniques

It is often remarked that “law is a study in the light of other disciplines”. Per se, the legal method is only about how to find the law/arrive at the correct legal proposition from a purely doctrinal standpoint.

This approach, while it continues to be important for legal scholarship, is often limited to devising solutions for problems that arise in the context of dispute resolution. The legal scholar or the lawyer is no longer wedded solely to courts of law/ dispute resolution.

The development sector, business consultancies, research and advocacy organizations and international organizations are avenues of work for people trained in law. However, to be impactful in such situations, the lawyer must be able to think beyond the black letter of the law and engage with “other disciplines”.


Lawyers now engage with other social sciences to establish ‘social facts’, especially in the context of social action litigation and to evaluate the actual working of the law on ground.

The future lawyer must, hence, be capable of engaging with ‘other’ disciplines of thought and work. Such engagement is imperative to the growth and sustenance of law as an academic discipline. Prof.Mahesh Menon, Assistant Professor, Daksha

Fellowship has discussed the insights on: – Overview on research methodology for lawyers – Wide scope of legal research – Tools and techniques used in research methodology for lawyers – Importance of legal research in other disciplines