Repulsive Lawyers Chapter 4,679…

We despair of the world.

Surprising to see the UK Sun talk about women’s rights after all these years.Mybe if they can (sort of) change their spots this unpleasant individual could do the same


An Egyptian lawyer has sparked outrage after saying women who wear ripped jeans deserve to be sexually harassed and raped.

Nabih al-Wahsh, a prominent conservative in Egypt, said raping women who wear ripped jeans is a man’s “national duty”, adding that girls who show parts of their body by wearing such clothes are inviting men to harass them.

His disgusting comments were made during a TV talk show called “Infrad” on satellite channel Al-Assema.

The panel were debating a draft law on prostitution and “inciting debauchery” when Wahsh made the jaw-dropping comments.