Reimagining justice: confronting contemporary challenges to the independence of judges and lawyers – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers

The present report is the first submitted by the current mandate holder, Margaret Satterthwaite. In it, she presents her vision for the mandate in the coming years.

The Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers sets out the need for a reimagining of access to justice and the rule of law from the diverse perspectives of those who bear the brunt of deep inequalities, systematic discrimination and persistent marginalization. She outlines major challenges to the independence of judges and lawyers that she will prioritize in her work.

The Special Rapporteur also describes her methods of work and shares initial recommendations. She looks forward to collaborating with member States and other relevant actors to address systemic problems within judicial and legal systems, to safeguard the role of independent judges and lawyers in checking unaccountable power and protecting rights, to advance access to justice for all and to support grass-roots justice solutions.
