Regina IP Op-Ed In SCMP – You Can Guess The Tone…

She writes stuff like this..

As for the rule of law, the protection of individual rights and freedoms lie at the heart of the common law system and indeed the continental system. Yet a democratic system has not prevented supposedly independent courts from making political decisions, or democratically elected governments from making laws that seriously violate human rights.

Democracy comes in different shapes and forms. Whether a country should go down the democratic path should be decided by its people, not be by a handful (of outsiders).

Assuming that all leaders want their countries to be prosperous and their people to be happy, China is no different from the democratic West. Liberal democracies have not flourished in all places that have held elections. China should be left to chart its own path, and countries that strive to export its democratic model to others, under the banner of freedom, are bound to fail, where the conditions are not right and true espousal of democratic values is absent.

Full report at.