Reed Elsevier Technology Services “Phase Out” 19 Positions

The Dayton Daily News is reporting……

That Lexis division "Reed Elsevier Technology Services" — the IT department of Reed Elsevier, the parent company of LexisNexis — "phased out" 19 positions. Annette O’Hanlon, a spokeswoman for Reed Elsevier Technology Services, announced yesterday.

The move happened Tuesday, O’Hanlon said. "It has been a corporate restructuring that we’re doing," she said.

She referred to a statement from the company, which said the cuts "will provide opportunities for some employees as they transfer and assume new responsibilities.

"This realignment will also result in some position eliminations,"
the statement added. "Affected employees will be provided with severance benefits and career transition assistance through an outplacement service."

As the Dayton Daily News points out. Reed Elsevier and LexisNexis have been laying employees off in batches for months. In October 2008, Reed Elsevier cut 21 positions at the local Lexis-Nexis campus. In May 2008, the company said a total of about 320 jobs will be moved from Lexis-Nexis’ local campus by early 2009.

And in November 2007, the company said that a "small number" of Dayton-area jobs were to be outsourced. No definite number was given at the time, but a spokesman said that a "small percentage" of the company’s Miami Twp. work force would be affected.