Recent decisions of the Council of the Law Society of NSW – Sandra Mitris

Lawyer Name: Primerano (aka Mitris), Sandra

Lawyer Type: Solicitor

Date/s of Admission/s: 05-Jul-2013

Place of Issue of Practising Certificate: New South Wales

Substance of Conduct Matter: Solicitor has been charged with a number of serious offences

By: Council of the Law Society of New South Wales

Date: 19-Jan-2023

Disciplinary Action: Suspension of Practising Certificate pursuant to ss 82(2) and 84 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) until the earliest of the following events occurs (in accordance with s82(3) of the Uniform Law):

  1. the Council revokes its decision;
  2. if the Solicitor is convicted of the offence – 28 days after the day of conviction;
  3. iii. If the charge(s) are dismissed – the day of the dismissal.




Lawyers Weekly Australia

Senior lawyer conned clients with fake settlement offers

A compensation lawyer invented settlement offers worth tens of thousands of dollars and lied to clients about securing judgments on their behalf, including to one woman suffering from stage four cancer.

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Australia: Law firm had no knowledge senior lawyer defrauded clients with fake settlement offers