RBI (Reed Business) Australia Launches The New Lawyer

This morning we received our first email update from newly published Australian legal news outlet.. The New Lawyer

Concentrating mainly on Australian legal news and a few other tidbits the newsletter is presented as an online pdf file…

See  http://www.thenewlawyer.com.au/home.aspx

To give you an idea of the content, this is the  update we received this morning


The New Lawyer E-NEWS
Monday, 06 April 2009

Latest News

Branding hot in a cold climate  (http://www.thenewlawyer.com.au/newsletters/newlawyer/pdfredirect.aspx?PDF=20090406.pdf)
AMID mass redundancies, scathing commentary from former staff and heightened competition as law firms scramble for less work, the importance of branding is being sharply assessed by Australian firms.

Litigation risk as lawyers battle depression, sue firms  (http://www.thenewlawyer.com.au/newsletters/newlawyer/pdfredirect.aspx?PDF=20090406.pdf)
FIRMS face the risk of litigation and negligence action as the economic climate sees an increasing number of lawyers with high anxiety and depression, a workplace general counsel has warned.

Queensland lawyers to ride with bikie gang consultation  (http://www.thenewlawyer.com.au/newsletters/newlawyer/pdfredirect.aspx?PDF=20090406.pdf)
THE peak body representing lawyers in Queensland has asked not to be left out of consultations over the creation of new laws targeting bikie gangs.

If you would like to unsubscribe please visit the page below:
http://www.thenewlawyer.com.au/[email protected]

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All rights reserved.


They seem pretty up to date with what’s happening in the Australian legal news sphere but we presume they’ll have their work cut out when it comes to competing with Justinian and also ALB aren’t out of the frame.

and we do like their round up story of how badly Australian law firms seem to be dealing with the changed economic environment of 1009
