QC Takes On Motorway Services Parking Fine & Wins

We all love anybody who can take on parking companies and especially ones who own motorway services..

The Guardian reports, QC Nicholas Bowen, decided Capita had taken on the wrong person.

They write

When a parking company fired off an £85 ticket to Nicholas Bowen, little did it know just who it was taking on.

ParkingEye went after Bowen for overstaying the free two-hour limit at a motorway service station and, when he wouldn’t roll over, decided to sue him. But the firm, owned by Capita, may now be regretting picking this particular fight after a judge struck out the case and ordered the company to pay his costs of £1,550.

Full story https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/aug/26/parking-eye-takes-on-top-barrister-85-fine