Preventive measures to avoid getting into a bicycle accident

Are you doing your part in protecting nature by riding a bicycle? If yes, then there are a few statistics that you should know about. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

  • around 45,000 bicycle accidents are reported in the U.S.
  • There is a 12% increase in fatal accidents.
  • 70% of fatal accidents occur in the urban areas of the states.

That’s not all! Do you know that a higher risk of injury and death is for the bicyclists in a vehicle collision?

But, whose fault is that? We can’t actually point it out to anybody. It can be due to negligence of the driver, violation of traffic laws, reckless driving, or emergency. Besides, before you blame any other person, it is crucial that you are adhering to the rules and regulations. After all, the primary purpose of all these rules is to reduce the number of accidents.

Generally speaking, there are plenty of measures that you can take after an accident. You can file a lawsuit against the defendant, get an insurance claim, get financial compensation, etc. In fact, you want to learn more, the professionals at can help you. Nonetheless, that’s for later. For now, it is essential to know what you can do to avoid an accident.

Understand that accidents are uncertain. You can’t stop a collision, but it is possible to protect yourself from one. You must be wondering- how? The answer to this question is given below. Scroll down and learn!

 Wear all the protective gear

The very step for your protection is to wear all the protective gear. Usually, people ignore the fact that the gear helps avoid injuries and minimize the impact of an accident. Do not make such a mistake. Even if you are going out just for a while, maybe just for a round, kindly wear knee pads, shoulder pads, and a helmet.

 Be cautious of the intersections or lane merging.

It won’t be wrong to say that intersections and lane mergers are a death-trap for the cyclists. It’s an area with the most traffic. Every person wants to reach their destinations without getting stuck in traffic, so they try to be fast and change their lanes frequently. That’s why you need to be extremely careful while riding your cycle at intersections.

 Follow all the traffic rules.

Traffic rules are equal for everyone, be it a pedestrian, cyclist, or car driver. If any person violates the rule, it creates a hindrance for other people. Thus you should follow all the rules, especially the night rules. Otherwise, you can get into legal trouble.

 Use signals to indicate your intentions.

Just like cars and motorbikes, you also have to indicate your intention to the people on the road. How? You can also use hand signals to tell if you are going to take a turn or stop.

Wrapping up!

Prevention is better than cure! Yes, it is true that if any accident occurs, the law can protect you. Nonetheless, it is more beneficial to take the command of your safety in your hand and follow the measures mentioned above to prevent accidents.