Here’s The Press Release

Westlaw UK Dockets, an enhancement including more than 230,000 court dockets, will be available on Westlaw Edge UK and Westlaw UK – and to Dockets subscribers in the United States – beginning Feb. 2. Initially, it will include dockets from the High Court, with additional UK courts’ proceedings added over time.
A docket – a record of litigation events as a case goes through the courts – starts when a claim is filed and records each procedural step until judgment. Dockets enable individuals to understand what cases are happening, their status, who the parties and representatives are, and next steps.
Thomson Reuters is introducing Westlaw UK Dockets in response to customer feedback. By providing a daily update of new cases filed in the High Court, Westlaw UK Dockets will make it easy for users to:
- search for new and ongoing litigation via court, party, representative, legal issue, and other criteria
- create daily alerts on new litigation, specific courts or parties, and other information
- track individual dockets and be alerted to any changes
- access every step of the journey from a claim being filed through to judgment, and on to the appeals process
The enhancement brings together all the significant steps in litigation within Westlaw UK. With comprehensive coverage of the High Court in Westlaw UK Dockets, users can be confident that their research is thorough and uncovers whether anything has changed.
The Feb. 2 rollout marks the first phase, which will use information from CE File, the electronic filing and case management system of HM Courts & Tribunal Service. Proceedings from additional UK courts will be added in subsequent phases. In the United States, Westlaw UK Dockets will be added as a new court under “International.”
There is no additional subscription cost for Westlaw UK Dockets. It’s the latest in a series of Westlaw enhancements, including the 2021 launches of Westlaw Edge Canada and Quick Check Contrary Authority Identification.
Check out Westlaw UK Dockets here.