We received this press release from Integreon yesterday. We all know they’ve been growing ..
This little press release? outlines how much and what they’ve been up to – obviously some propaganda in there but we’re all old enough to read between the lines ….
Integreon Achieves Record Growth in 2010
Demand for the Company?s Legal Process Outsourcing, E-Discovery, Research Services and Business Solutions Drives Business Momentum
Integreon, the largest global provider of integrated research, legal and business solutions <http://www.integreon.com/> ?to professionals, today announced record revenue growth for its 2010 fiscal year, achieving a compound annual growth rate of 52 percent for the last three years.
?Demand for our high-quality services has never been greater,? said Integreon CEO Liam Brown. ?Our clients are seeing real impact on their businesses. The uptake we have seen with existing and first-time clients clearly indicates that we have solidified our role as an experienced, trusted, partner who truly frees our clients? professionals to focus on the high-value activities that define their businesses.?
In 2010, Integreon experienced robust revenue growth in each of its key vertical markets ? legal process outsourcing (LPO), e-discovery, research and business services. Notably, demand in each of these markets continues to rapidly increase as client organizations focus more on core competencies and turn to experienced, industry-leading partners with the scale and expertise required to efficiently provide high-quality business support services.
?Integreon has achieved a strong competitive position in high-growth markets like LPO,? said analyst Katey Wood from Enterprise Strategy Group <http://www.enterprisestrategygroup.com/> . ?The company?s ambitious global expansion and enviable customer wins show commitment to leading the charge as corporate clients outsource ever more specialized business functions and processes.?
Integreon?s strong growth was driven by key customer wins, including an engagement with U.K. law firm CMS Cameron McKenna <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/05/cms-cameron-mckenna-signs-record-breaking-outsourcing-agreement-with-knowledge-solutions-firm-integreon-to-provide-services-valued-at-583-million.html> ?that is the legal industry?s largest outsourcing agreement ever, and will commence in 2011. While most of Integreon?s customer wins are confidential, the company announced several important engagements in 2010, including deals with leading U.S. software firm Microsoft <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/04/microsoft-utilizes-integreon-legal-process-outsourcing-lpo-services-to-gain-efficiencies-while-reducing-costs.html> ?for legal support services, U.K. law firm Foot Anstey <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/04/foot-anstey-engages-integreon-for-library-and-information-services.html> ?for library and information services and U.K. law firm Lewis Silkin <http://www.lewissilkin.com/about_us/Pages/default.aspx> ?for IT project consulting.
Integreon?s 2010 growth was partially enabled through a $50 million investment <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/02/actis-invests-us50-million-in-integreon.html> ?from emerging markets private equity specialist, Actis <http://www.act.is/> . Overall growth was also partially driven by Integreon?s strategic research group, Grail Research <http://grailresearch.com/> . Acquired by Integreon in November 2009, Grail organically grew its revenue by 35 percent in 2010 while Integreon?s overall research organization grew by more than 31 percent.
In addition to financial growth, Integreon expanded its global footprint, with new offices in Tokyo and Hong Kong and an expanded facility in Bristol, U.K. The company also opened a state-of-the-art electronic evidence laboratory <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/10/integreon-opens-state-of-the-art-electronic-evidence-lab-in-downtown-los-angeles.html> ?in Los Angeles that augments its existing industry-leading labs in New York and Washington, D.C.
During 2010, Integreon expanded its team, strategically hiring employees with deep business and legal domain experience, particularly those with MBAs and law degrees. The company made important additions to its leadership team, including the appointment of renowned business leader Richard Moran <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/11/richard-moran-joins-integreons-board-of-directors.html> ?to the Integreon board of directors and the appointment of legal industry veteran Douglas Benson <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/09/integreon-announces-douglas-benson-as-senior-advisor.html> ?as a senior advisor.
Integreon continued to unveil new technology innovations in 2010 as well. Developments included the launch of an enhanced version of its specialized, scalable document review platform, eView <http://www.integreon.com/technologies/discovery-technologies/eview.html> , which the company gained through the acquisition of e-discovery leader, ONSITE3 in 2009. In addition, Integreon announced its innovative Seek & Collect <http://www.integreon.com/technologies/discovery-technologies/seek-collect.html> ?service and supporting appliances, which ease the burden and risk of self-collection during the e-discovery process.
2010 was also a year of industry recognition for Integreon. Leading analyst firm Gartner recognized the company as a ?Cool Vendor? <http://www.integreon.com/blog/2010/06/integreon-named-a-cool-vendor-in-business-process-services.html> ?in business process services; Indian research organization ValueNotes ranked the company as a pacesetter among LPO providers; and The Black Book of Outsourcing ranked Integreon as the leading provider of knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) for the fourth consecutive year. Integreon was also announced as a winner of the India Business Law Journal?s 2010 LPO Awards and named a LexisNexis Concordance Partner in Excellence.
?We continue to establish ourselves as a trusted provider of legal, research and business services for demanding professionals,? added Brown. ?The quality of our services and our proven ability to positively impact business results for our clients sets us apart from the competition and promises to foster even greater growth for Integreon in 2011.?
About Integreon
Integreon is the largest and highest-impact provider of integrated research, legal and business solutions to professionals. It is a trusted partner to 32 of the top 50 Am Law firms, 9 of the top 10 investment banks, and 11 of the top 50 global brands, enabling these firms to improve profitability and freeing leaders to focus on the growth of their business. Its nearly 2,000 associates operating in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa work collaboratively with clients to address their specific support needs in areas such as market and competitive intelligence, discovery (disclosure), legal process outsourcing and other business services. For more information about Integreon?s full range of solutions, please visit www.integreon.com