Press Release: Norton Rose Fulbright introduces US Regulatory Intelligence, a leading resource on financial regulation

Global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright today announced that it has incorporated US Regulatory Intelligence, the daily legal news resource and knowledge management platform developed and managed by New York partner Steven Lofchie, into its international financial services practice. This platform is a critical resource for lawyers and financial market professionals.

US Regulatory Intelligence provides users with up-to-date regulatory developments and insights, access to specialized knowledge and practical work tools. The platform’s subscribers include transactional and regulatory lawyers, litigators and compliance professionals, regulators and academics. The platform’s newsletter on daily developments in financial regulations and litigation reaches 20,000 subscribers every business day.

Jeff Cody, Norton Rose Fulbright’s US Managing Partner, said:

“We are furthering our firm’s commitment to providing clients with innovative services by incorporating the US Regulatory Intelligence platform into Norton Rose Fulbright’s overall thought leadership offering. US Regulatory Intelligence complements our existing resources, including the Global Regulation Tomorrow site that covers international financial services developments.”

Steven Lofchie, who joined Norton Rose Fulbright in March, said:

“I created US Regulatory Intelligence because of clients’ need for a resource that provides financial regulatory information and analysis written by working market professionals. The platform is now strengthened by Norton Rose Fulbright’s global regulatory capabilities, keeping subscribers informed of both national and global developments that impact the United States.”

Endorsed by former chairpersons of both the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and subscribed to by government regulators and major buy- and sell-side firms, US Regulatory Intelligence provides a curated, user-oriented legal and financial library as well as relevant resources for practitioners, including Lofchie’s Guide to Broker Dealer Regulation.