Press Release – New Publication: Lexis Nexis & China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment (CIIAI) Launch “China Antitrust Law Journal”

Here’s the press release in full from LN…………The present issue marks the launch of the China Antitrust Law Journal, a new periodical developed by the China Institute of International Antitrust and Investment (CIIAI) together with LexisNexis, in recognition of the growing importance of China to the global antitrust community. It is the first and only law journal in the field of competition law focused specifically on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Hong Kong, but with an interest in issues relating to the wider Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

The Journal also publishes pieces of global interest in the fields of antitrust law and economics, comparative studies, theoretical and empirical research, and even multi-disciplinary contributions. It covers a wide range of antitrust-related topics, including but not limited to: conduct (e.g., cartels, anticompetitive agreements and abuse of market power); public and private competition law enforcement; criminal enforcement; mergers; agency cooperation; investigation; and sectoral studies.


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