Press Release: Justis to become the exclusive provider of CariLaw

Here’s the press release in full……Justis is pleased to announce their new partnership with the University of the West Indies to become the exclusive provider of CariLaw starting this year.

This will add cases from 18 Caribbean jurisdictions to the already large collection of case law offered by Justis.

The CariLaw database is the result of the hard work and dedication of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Faculty of Law Library, at the Cave Hill Campus.  Since 1970, The UWI has been collecting, organising and disseminating Commonwealth Caribbean primary law, both in print and electronically. The CariLaw website was established by the Faculty of Law Library in 2003. It has been continually updated, and now contains the full text of over 44,000 cases with headnotes.

As the majority of law reports in the Caribbean are now out of date, this extensive database of unreported cases has proved an essential resource for law students, academics, legal professionals and government departments for almost 15 years.

Hon. Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders, Caribbean Court of Justice, says CariLaw is “perhaps the most under-valued legal search engine in the region for Caribbean legal information”. He continues:

“CariLaw has for years provided legal practitioners, academics, judicial officers and the general public with a wealth of Caribbean law reports and other information that can be obtained from no other single source. Indeed, it is impossible to undertake any serious Commonwealth Caribbean legal research without engaging CariLaw. I am thrilled to learn that the UWI has recently entered into a relationship with Justis Publishing. This will certainly result in the enhancement of the CariLaw platform and be a tremendous boost to the development of our Caribbean jurisprudence.”

The Officer in Charge of the Faculty of Law Library, UWI, Cave Hill Campus, Junior Browne, said: “This will be a tremendous development for legal research in the Caribbean. Given our content and Justis’s technology, the user experience will be even more powerful. Users will be able to use advanced search tools, link to citing and cited cases and much more.”

Masoud Gerami, the Managing Director of Justis said: “I am delighted that this large collection of Caribbean jurisprudence will be available on our Justis platform, and will be offered to practitioners and researchers in the Caribbean region and elsewhere.  CariLaw cases will be processed and presented in the same highly cross-linked and rich state as the rest of the cases on Justis, which means that for the first time Caribbean case law will be part of a common-law wide research environment.”

CariLaw will be available on JustisOne from November 2017.

The case law collection

The CariLaw database contains cases decided by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (PC), and the present day Supreme/High Courts and Courts of Appeal of the following islands: Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Turks and Caicos. Additionally, the database provides judgments of special courts, such as the Industrial Courts of Antigua and the Tax Appeal Board of Trinidad.

About Justis

Established in 1986, Justis has been at the forefront of legal research for 30 years. In 1986, we produced the first ever case law database on CD-ROM. We were the first commercial database provider to partner with the European Commission, and the first to provide case law as exact replica PDFs. Today our latest research platform and online library, JustisOne, is improving the way you access and understand the law.

Justis offers the largest collection of common law cases available online, including the largest collection of Irish cases, the largest collection of Caribbean cases, the largest collection of UK superior court cases, exclusive collections of commercial offshore cases, and UK Parliament information, and extensive international coverage. Justis is trusted by law firms, barristers, government departments and academic institutions in over 40 countries.

About the Faculty of Law Library, Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies

The mission of the Faculty of Law Library, Cave Hill Campus is to support the advancement of legal education, the creation of legal knowledge and to support the development of the law in the Caribbean, through the acquisition and preservation of an outstanding collection of resources in varied formats and the provision of access to this information to all of its stakeholders where possible, with the assistance of a well-trained and knowledgeable staff.

Established in 1970, the Law Library’s collection now exceeds more than 500,000 volumes. Significant benefactors include the British Overseas Development Administration, the Canadian Bar Association, the Caribbean Law Institute (CLI), Ford Foundation, University of Virginia Law Library, York University Law Library, and most of the Commonwealth Caribbean Governments.