Press Release: Australia’s Clayton Utz pairs up with LexisNexis on gen-AI legal research tool

Clayton Utz has partnered with LexisNexis to roll out the generative AI legal research tool Lexis+AI.

The firm will be the first in Australia to use the tool on a commercial basis. Clayton Utz lawyers have been involved in the development and trialling of the tool, which draws from a comprehensive Australian law database.

“AI continues to be a real opportunity for law firms – and indeed all businesses – to rethink the way we offer our services. Products like Lexis+AI, when deployed with appropriate use guardrails, offer efficiencies that haven’t previously been possible. And while no AI solution is perfect, the rapid advancements in this space are exciting”, CEP Emma Covacevich said.

The firm confirmed that the rollout of the tool to its lawyers will take place over the next few months.

Among the tool’s features are the provisions of citations in its responses; thus, the legal results it generates are supported by verifiable authority, according to LexisNexis. This limits the risk of hallucinated outputs.

Aside from Clayton Utz, Gilbert + Tobin and Holding Redlich lawyers also took part in the trial phase for Lexis+AI, which took place in February and involved over 300 legal practitioners.