Press Release: Activities of Inaugural China Human Rights Lawyers’ Day In Hong Kong

Human rights lawyers in China face political persecution for their efforts to defend civil rights as well as to advance the rule of law and democracy in the country, with many of them imprisoned, ‘disappeared’ and tortured. The 709 Crackdown in 2015 saw the large-scale oppression targeting rights lawyers. Since then, 320 lawyers, their families and activists have been subjected to arbitrary detention and arrest, residential surveillance at a designated place and enforced disappearance, while a number of lawyers are still detained. Torture and other inhumane treatments, including grueling interrogations, electric torture and deprivation of medical care, have been imposed on at least 14 human rights lawyers arrested in the 709 Crackdown, according to a report released by China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG).

To commemorate the sufferings and sacrifices of the lawyers and their courage to resist, the date of July 9 is now established as the “China Human Rights Lawyers’ Day” by human rights organizations concerned with the conditions of rights lawyers in China. Activities will be organized by CHRLCG at the Inaugural China Human Rights Lawyers’ Day on July 9 this year, which is also the second anniversary of the 709 Crackdown, in order to protest against persecution from the Chinese government and to demonstrate solidarity of Hong Kong citizens with the rights lawyers.

Activity details as follows:
Date: Sunday, July 9, 2017

Street Booth
Time: 11:30 – 13:30
Venue: Jardine’s Crescent, Causeway Bay
Speakers: Mr. Albert Ho (chairperson of CHRLCG), Ms. Chow Hang-tung (Vice-
chairperson of the Alliance)
Co-organizers: The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China, Justice & Peace Commission of the H.K. Catholic Diocese

Standing in Silence
Time: Starts at 15:00
Venue: Outside the Court of Final Appeal, near Statue Square
Mr. Albert Ho (chairperson), Mr. John Clancey and Ms. Emily Lau, board members of CHRLCG;
Barrister Wilson Leung, Barrister Margaret Ng, Solicitor Mark Daly, Senior Counsel Martin Lee from the legal sector;
Others: Legislative Councilor Dennis Kwok, Kwok Ka-ki and Lau Siu-lai, Mr. Avery Ng, Mr. Joshua Wong, Ms. Yvonne Leng

Contact: Mr. Wong, CHRLCG (9430 1379)







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