Practice Source Launching Beta Of Our Social Networking Site

And we need you !!!!!

Yes we really do need you..

We are looking for 10-20 users to register with our new social networking site to test for problems glitches etc and also provide feedback on what you like to see in terms of discussion groups, networks, app creation etc

We intend to launch a "legal laboratory" section/group within the Community where people can discuss new ideas, concepts and developments for the legal industry as a whole. Whether it be a new way to deliver / receive content,  new legal IT development ideas, discussions about the way legal industry practice is developing due to technology.. even how to open the first law firm on the moon.. pie in the sky it may be today… tmmrw is a new world and  we would like to create the best forum to discuss and exchange ideas in a fun, fluid and open environment

We do hope you want to become involved in the PS community – leave a comment here or contact us via
