Postcard: More Legal Jobs Go In The States

Not much of a surpise really. Although doing it just before Christmas seems more than unfair to those concerned.





Here are the headlines and links so you can choose which depressing stories you want to read..

Idle hands = Idle attorneys – The Legal Watercooler
Well, the holidays are fast approaching and there seems to be no slowing down of the layoffs. Dechert, Wolf and Drinker are the latest firms to join the ranks.


Dechert Lays Off 72 Staff in U.S. Offices – The Legal Intelligencer
Dechert has become the latest in a string of firms to announce layoffs. This time it’s staff.
A firm spokeswoman confirmed that Dechert has laid off 72 administrative staff across its U.S. offices. She wouldn’t get into details about which positions or how many in each office but said the cuts were basically proportionate across the firm’s 11 U.S. offices.


and if you have a job, this is really to be expected


Latham’s Salary Freeze May Launch Trend -The Recorder
Latham & Watkins said Tuesday it will freeze associate salaries in response to "challenging economic times," a move that could signal the rest of the industry to follow suit, observers said.
"Everybody’s been waiting for some kind of signal from the market leader," said consultant Peter Zeughauser, founder of The Zeughauser Group. "This will be a profound signal to the market about what to do."