It feels good to have both projects off my to do list, all finished and on my desk in glossy covered hard copy.
You can buy a copy of the Dictionaries via Class Legal here. They come in print or ebook format (including pdf if you prefer that), and the digital versions are a bit cheaper at £65.
For those who asked about discounts for the Transparency Book – the publishers for that, Bloomsbury, have kindly provided a discount code for junior FLBA members – check your inbox for that code as it went out in a recent FLBA mail out.
Anyway, that’s me done with legal textbooks for a while (although I have a further book project that I have long promised to do, which I probably should dust off and crack on with when the pace of life allows).
One of these days I will get around to some fiction… As I approach the half decade I am STILL mulling over my brilliant first novel…which I started when I was 18 and have been intermittently pondering ever since… I have the opening purple paragraphs written by teenaged me stashed away for when I finally think of a plot to accompany them.