Petition Website Wants Google To Buy Lexis & West!

HOB loves this – “Here we the undersigned…….

You can sign the petition here if you so desire…

This is what the petitioners want…? only 10 signatures so far.. help them out.

Target: Google M&A Team
Sponsored by: Steven A Chan, Five Star Flags
Dear Google:
We the undersigned write:
Please buy Westlaw and Lexis/Nexis and break down the monopoly in information they give the legal industry. This monopolization of information has unjust effects.
There is much information in these archives and research tools. Critical to this peition, is that (Courts may take judicial notice of publications introduced to indicate what was in the public realm at the time, not whether the contents of those articles were in fact true. Premier Growth Fund v. Alliance Capital Mgmt., 435 F.3d 396, 401 n.15 (3d Cir. 2001). Thus, newspapers, periodicals and journals can be introduced to the Court.
Likewise, access to the case law, and the construction of briefs is also critical to litigation. It is very frustrating to know that represents one level of publicly-accessible functionality, and the so-called Wexis monopoly another. On the one hand, your user is perhaps desperately driven to it as an only resource, and on the other, it is one only money can buy.

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