Peru Says Yes To New Online Gambling and Betting Laws

Peru has recently given the green light to a set of comprehensive online gambling and betting laws, marking a significant milestone in the country’s regulatory landscape. The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur, for its Spanish acronym) has unveiled the regulations of Law No. 31557, modified by Law No. 31806, aimed at governing remote gaming and sports betting activities within Peru’s borders.

This initiative, Supreme Decree 005-2023-Mincetur, will take effect on Feb. 9, 2024, and sets a 120-day countdown for operators. They will have to submit their license requests between February 10 and March 10 of next year if they want to continue.

Failure to comply within this window will result in the discontinuation of operations in the country. Penalties range from a substantial fine of no less than 150 UIT (tax units) to potential criminal charges, coupled with a disqualification from participation in the iGaming space. 150 UIT is equal to PEN742,500 (US$191,490).

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