A Palestinian rights lawyer was killed in clashes Wednesday close to Nablus, the fifth day of Israeli operations in the West Bank following a spate of attacks in the Jewish state, Palestinian officials said.

Violence also erupted at a flashpoint religious site in Nablus that is sacred to Jews, Joseph’s Tomb, which was vandalised days ago by Palestinians, heightening tensions.

The Israeli army said its troops were “conducting counterterrorist operations” in Nablus, the militant bastion of Jenin and several other cities in the occupied West Bank, without immediately commenting on the lawyer’s death.

The Palestinian health ministry said human rights lawyer Muhammad Hassan Muhammad Assaf, 34, “died after being shot in the chest by the Israeli occupation army during the aggression on the city of Nablus”.

Witnesses told AFP he was standing by the roadside, having just taken his nephews to school, when he was hit by a bullet as Israeli forces fired while pulling out after an incursion into Nablus.





https://www.france24.com/fr/moyen-orient/20220413-un-palestinien-tu%C3%A9-par-des-tirs-isra%C3%A9liens-lors-d-op%C3%A9rations-militaires-en-cisjordanie (FRANCAIS)

