Pakistan: Lawyers observe strike in Hazara over rising violence in courts

Lawyers observed a complete strike in upper parts of Hazara Division on Monday over the “rising violence” on court premises and urged authorities to increase security at judicial complexes across the region.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bar Association had given the call for the boycott of courts.

President of the district bar association Hafiz Naseem Khan told reporters here that a handcuffed prisoner was killed and lawyers escaped unhurt during a firing incident on the court premises in Havelian, while 35 people were injured when two groups traded fire here in the recent days.

“We want foolproof security on court premises across Hazara Division as lawyers, judges and litigants are vulnerable to the growing violent attacks and brawls,” he said.

Complain of rising violence on court premises

Mr Khan said though the police had enhanced security measures in Mansehra and Havalian, a lot more was needed to be donefor the safety of lawyers and litigants.

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Pakistan: Lawyers observe strike in Hazara over rising violence in courts