Pakistan Bar Council Calls Nationwide Strike and Protest After Lahore Lawyers Face Police Brutality

Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) has announced a nationwide strike and protest following the brutal treatment of lawyers by police in Lahore. The move comes after a confrontation between lawyers and police at the Judicial Complex in Lahore, where lawyers were protesting against the transfer of judges and the filing of terrorism cases against them.

According to reports, the lawyers were met with police brutality, including baton charges and tear gas, after they gathered at the Judicial Complex to protest the transfer of judges and the filing of terrorism cases against them. The lawyers, led by Pakistan Bar Council President Asma Jahangir, were demanding the reversal of the transfer and the withdrawal of the terrorism cases.

The confrontation escalated when police used force to disperse the protesters, leading to a clash between the two sides. The lawyers retaliated by throwing stones at the police, who responded with tear gas and baton charges. The situation became increasingly tense, with police using water cannons to disperse the crowd.

The Pakistan Bar Council has called for a nationwide strike and protest, urging all lawyers across the country to boycott courts and participate in the demonstrations. The council’s president, Asma Jahangir, announced the strike in a statement, saying that no lawyer would appear in courts across the country and that lawyers would stage protests in all major cities.

The strike and protest are a response to the police brutality and the ongoing issues faced by lawyers in Pakistan. The lawyers have been demanding better working conditions, an end to police harassment, and the protection of their rights. The strike is expected to have a significant impact on the country’s legal system, with many cases likely to be delayed or postponed.

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Pakistan Bar Council Calls Nationwide Strike and Protest After Lahore Lawyers Face Police Brutality