Paid Content 2011 Conference In New York

Thought we’d post this PR for Paid Contents’ forthcoming conference in New York in March. Mainly because we hope it might give us a hint to getting around Rupert’s firewall using search. HOB has spent the last 24 hours looking for a UK Times referenced article but to no avail. So Rupert must be doing something right by doing something wrong!

Here’s what? the Paid Content PR says..

We presume you can sign up at

In less than a week we’ve moved from the launch of The Daily, Rupert Murdoch’s $30 million experiment in iPad publishing, to AOL’s $315 million deal for The Huffington Post. Those are only two of the markers that we’re in a time of creation and consolidation, with players large and small betting that risks will lead to results. When events are moving this fast you need focus — and that’s what you’ll get at paidContent 2011: The Next Decade in Digital, March 3rd at The TimesCenter in New York.?

As a previous attendee of one of our events, you already know how our conferences usually work but it’s worth a reminder: a single day with one stream of sessions; no breakouts (the networking lunch offers the perfect opportunity to create your own); a mix of Q&A with industry leaders, panels that zero in on the core issues and analysis; and a 360-degree conversation where everyone can take part.

paidContent 2011 will include Q&As with:

Lauren Zalaznick, Chairman, Entertainment & Digital Networks/Integrated Media, NBC Universal, one of the leaders charged with remaking Comcast-run NBCU.
Nick Denton, the founder of Gawker Media, who will be interviewed by Reuters’ blogger Felix Salmon, bringing their spirited online discussions to the stage.
Dan Rose, VP, Partnerships & Platform Marketing for Facebook, and an Amazon alum who helped incubate the Kindle and is on the board of Borders.?

Info-packed sessions featuring leading executives, including Greg Clayman, publisher of News Corp.’s The Daily; Deanna Brown, CEO, Federated Media; Randall Rothenberg, EVP, Chief Digital Officer, Time Inc.; Rob Grimshaw, MD,; Vivek Shah, CEO, Ziff Davis, Inc.; Jim Bankoff, CEO, SB Nation; Lisa Frazier, CEO, The Bay Area Citizen; Michael Walrath, founder, Right Media; Jon Brod, President, AOL Ventures & Co-Founder, Patch; Alex Kazim, CEO, Ongo — and stay tuned for more.

Plus Forrester’s Sarah Rotman Epps on How The New Tablets Will Change Your Content Strategy

For eight-plus years, paidContent has kept you informed of the ways people are working to make money from digital media, entertainment and information. We remain the best and most reliable source for coverage and insight on what’s actually being done — and this March we’ll bring it to you in person at paidContent 2011.

A number of other paidContent event alums took advantage of our preview rate. While that offer is over, it’s still not too late to save. Register today to take advantage of the special rate of $995 (regular registration, $1,295). Act fast: this offer expires on Thursday, February 10th.